1998, 48 pages
ISBN 0-932716-47-4
Susan Gevirtz cuts the box away from the camera as she disassembles other structures that keep the world, as we picture it, in place. For Gevirtz, the cultural is personal, and the personal is constructed as the cultural media—films, TV, newstories, book narratives—are shaped. These poems, gathered from pieces of her deconstructions, are held together by puns, homonyms, metaphors, and blank space. The empty expanses convey a sense of the peril of the self released into the unknown.
Susan Gevirtz's books include Hotel abc (Nightboat, 2016), Coming Events (Collected Writings) (Nightboat, 2013), AERODROME ORION & Starry Messenger (Kelsey St. Press), Broadcast (Trafficker Press), THRALL (Post Apollo, 2007), Omatic & After St. John (dpress, 2006), Hourglass Transcripts (Burning Deck, 2001), Spelt, a collaboration with Myung Mi Kim (a+bend press, 1999), Black Box Cutaway (Kelsey Street Press, 1999), PROSTHESIS : : CAESAREA (Potes and Poets, 1994), Taken Place (Reality Street, 1993), Linen minus (Avenue B, 1992), Domino: point of entry (Leave Books, 1992), Korean and Milkhouse (ABACUS, Potes and Poets, 1991), and the critical study Narrative's Journey: The Fiction and Film Writing of Dorothy Richardson (Peter Lang, 1996). Many essays have appeared in literary magazines and scholarly journals. She has taught at Sonoma State University, Mills College, California College of the Arts, The University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and at The Hellenic International School of the Arts, Paros, Greece. With Greek poet Siarita Kouka, she runs The Paros Symposium, an annual meeting of poets and translators from Greece and the United States, held on Paros island.