2000, 63 pages
ISBN 0-932716-55-5
Juice is Renee Gladman's first full-length book. Gladman wields an idiosyncratic skill with description and characters that draw praise and attention from her contemporaries. Juice describes a world where seemingly minor obsessions and details (like the narrator's almost random preference for juice) can structure and develop an entire story, down to its tone and style. As her narrator puts it: "So far it has been sex and leaves that keep me alive."
Renee Gladman is the author of several books of poetry and prose, including her series of fictional works set in the imaginary city-state of Ravicka: Event Factory (2010), The Ravickians (2011), Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge (2013), and Houses of Ravicka (2017), all available from Dorothy, a publishing project. Calamaties (Wave Books, 2016) is a collection of linked essays on writing and experience. Prose Architectures (Wave Books, 2017) is her first monograph of drawings. Morelia (Solid Objects, 2019), a novel, is her latest. She has edited Leon Works, an experimental prose chapbook series, as well as the Leroy chapbook series. Gladman lives in New England with poet-ceremonialist Danielle Vogel and teaches at Brown University.